Sample Domestic Violence Training Content for Employees

Domestic violence training for employees can help change workplace culture and make employees safer.

Employee Domestic Violence Training

In collaboration with a variety of experts, advocates, and employers, we’ve summarized critical training areas for managers and supervisors. Training content should be updated and revised to fit your organization’s changing needs.

Sample Content

I. Introduction

Participants, Goals and Content Preview

Introduce any hosts, trainers and their affiliated organizations, and audience. Introduce the purpose, motivation and basic goals of the training.

Can We Talk: Talking About Domestic Violence

Sensitize the audience by acknowledging the potentially emotional or difficult nature of the topic, and the need to respect differing reactions to the content.

Why Talk About Domestic Violence?

Include a general introduction to the importance of the topic, with statistics on its prevalence.

Why is Domestic Violence a Workplace Issue?

Provide a rationale for why domestic violence is a workplace or business issue, including workplace statistics, and the costs to the employer and to the community. Please refer to the Facts section on this website for further information.

II. Video or Oral Case Study

Including a video or oral case study gives participants a sense of the reality of violence. Case study content can also be used throughout the training to highlight training concepts.

III. Understanding Domestic Violence

What is Domestic Violence?

Provide a definition of domestic violence, with a component exploring the type of behaviors that perpetrators use.

Who is a Victim and Who is a Perpetrator?

Describe the range of people who can experience violence and what is known about people who are perpetrators.

Why Does it Happen?

What are the effects of domestic violence? Explore the causes and effects of domestic violence.

Why is it Hard to Leave?

Review the reasons why victims may have difficulty leaving violent relationships or situations. Provide information about what the risks are when victims leave.

Is there Hope? Can the Violence End?

Educate participants that there are many paths to increased safety, different sources of assistance, and that many people find solutions.

IV. What Can We Do in the Workplace?

Workplace Responses

Describe basic steps that can be taken at work, including:

  • Educate: Distribute information and resources
  • Refer: Connect co-workers to domestic violence resources
  • Support: Describe the Workplace violence policy. Include information on state laws, employee leaves, performance concerns or other workplace policy related to domestic violence.
  • Secure: Identify Worksite specific actions employees should take to respond to threats of violence at work.
Helping At Work: Talk to a Co-Worker About Violence

Teach employees how to talk to friends at work about violence.

V. Looking to the Future

Looking to the Future: Preventing Violence

Lay out the steps that employees can take in the workplace and in the community to participate in ending domestic violence.


Summarize the basic learning points and provide employees with ways to get immediate help should they need it.